Dear Everyone

“The Jews” are not controlling America.

“The Jewish Community” does not have some sort of hypnotic influence over the U.S. government. “The Jewish Community” does not exist. There are fourteen gajillion Jewish communities in California alone, and I can assure you, no two are exactly alike. The hive mind, it is imaginary.

“The Jews” are not oppressing POC. “The Jews” are not responsible for the Iraq war. The majority of American Jews vote Left. Millions of Jews are hard at work fighting for social justice. Yes, AIPAC and JADL suck. But guess what? They don’t represent most of “The Jewish Community.”

We’re smarter than this, people.


5 Responses

  1. hug you.

  2. I used to wonder how the American Jewish community could produce a group like AIPAC. I don’t much like them either, but I came to a peculiar view on how they’ve become what they are. Their power (to the extent they have it) is contingent on agreeing with those who are more powerful. America has a terrible history of imperialism, typical of a dominant nation, and I think it’s this American characteristic projected onto AIPAC. There was no other way I could really explain it.

    But then Dan Fleshler points out that AIPAC really isn’t uber-right. “Even Philip Weiss, a hero of the cabal-watchers, was initially a bit perplexed when, in the first policy conference he attended, he found himself rubbing shoulders with attendees and listening to speakers who were moderate, temperate and as desirious of peace as he is (although they don’t care as much about Palestinian suffering or Palestinian rights as he does).”

  3. I made the mistake of reading some discussions on particulars of Jewish religion, and even though I’ve always sort of known that, in theory, the truth is that anyone who believes “the Jews” are behind everything can’t be reasoned with.

    Besides, pretty much every Jewish advocacy group, no matter how they stand politically, claims to speak for all of us, even if two groups are very strongly opposed to each other.

    I remember watching a documentary where some guy was interviewing a conspiracy theorist who actually claimed, when the interviewer brought up Rupert Murdoch as an example of how much control of the media isn’t in the hands of Jews, “our research has shown that Rupert Murdoch has Jewish ancestry”. You literally can not reason with these people.

  4. […] community is influencing foreign policy. Jews are not a hive mind. As I said in a recent rant here, most American Jews vote Left, and Jewish social justice activists abound. There’s no […]

  5. […] community is influencing foreign policy. Jews are not a hive mind. As I said in a recent rant here, most American Jews vote Left, and Jewish social justice activists abound. There’s no […]

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